Yes, this illustration is made with Midjourney

In 2024, in an era of digital efficiency and AI-generated reality, the 99 Cameras Museum inaugurates an unprecedented photographic collaboration between generations.

5 trendsetting photographers

In cooperation with Blind Magazine and Studio Harcourt, we imagined a ground-breaking photographic project : we challenged five seasoned documentary photographers to confront themselves to five iconic cameras dating from 1935 to 1964.

Mathias Depardon is an award winning social documentary photographer. His work reveals significant social, economic, and political questions, challenging the idea of borders and identity.

Ismail Ferdous winner of the 2023 Leica Award, is a Bangladeshi photographer and filmmaker based in New York, USA. He documents social and humanitarian issues in the contemporary world.

Gaia Squarci, photographer and filmmaker, splits her time between Milan and New York. She teaches digital storytelling at ICP and focuses on a personal approach in her work.

Théo Giacometti is an independent photojournalist and member of Studio Hans Lucas since 2018. Based in Marseille, he produces visual reports on social and environmental issues for the press and NGOs.

Alessandro Silvestri, originally from Rome and now based in Paris, is one Studio Harcourt’s official photographers since 2009. Passionate about old cameras and film photography, he explores anthropology, visual communication, and artistic research.

These 5 award winning documentary photographers will be revisiting, through analog photography, the universal theme of summer pictures. Together, they will offer a intimate perspective on the summer of 2024 through the objectives of some of the most iconic devices ever.

5 legendary devices

To make this project truly unique, we selected five iconic cameras from our collection that played a meaningful role in the history of modern photography. They have all been sapiently restored by Pelloche Moi and will be using the new Phoenix film from Harman. All film operations will be handled by Nation Photo.

Putting these historical cameras in the hands of documentary photographers whose obsession is to enlighten us about our contemporary world is a wonderful way to bring them back to life, some nearly a century after their creation.

An exceptional exhibition

Next November, during Paris Photo, an exceptional exhibition at Studio Harcourt will offer visitors the opportunity to discover the results of our five photographers’ creative journey. This project promises to showcase the delicate perspectives they are known for, in images full of style and emotion.

The exhibition, intended to be relocated in 2025, will be accompanied by a collector’s book as well as a sale of NFTs in collaboration with, Europe’s largest NFT platform.

Contact us if you want to know more !