Makinette – 31/99

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Germany 1932 – Folding – 127 film – Very Rare.

Plaubel is originally a German camera maker, founded in 1902. It became famous for the Makina series of press cameras, introduced as early as 1911.

The Makinette foldable that was a pocket size camera and was produced for only one year in 1932, making it a very rare collectible. 2 different lenses were in option and it would come either in black or chrome.

The Makinette was an incredibly accurate camera, and for some connoisseurs, it is the holy grail on 127 film. Its unique design allowed it to have the important adjustment scales (Focus, diaphragm and depth of focus) visible at a glance on only one side of the objective, making it very practical to use.

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